Saturday, November 1, 2008

Election Season 08

Well, with the election only 3 days away, I find it my patriotic duty to force my opinions on the few of you that actually read my blog... With that said... HOW ARE PEOPLE REALLY PLANNING ON VOTING FOR BARACK OBAMA!!!??? I say that as my own flesh and blood is planning on casting his vote for the most the person that has the most far left bleeding heart liberal agenda in the entire US Congress...? This is the same Congress that contains characters such as Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, and Ted Kennedy! Aside from the fact that this man has only logged 143 days in the halls of Congress, our ignorant country somehow thinks that this man is qualified to run a country? It would be the equivalent of asking for a promotion to President of a country after 4.5 months of working in middle management.

Up until this point, the most used argument I have heard for him is that hes such a great speaker, and he really gives me hope...? I know quite a few great speakers, that doesn't mean that I feel they can run a country. His far left agenda scares the scat out of me, and the fact that he is most likely going to have a filibuster proof Congress in his back pocket makes me ready to move to the mountains and live in a cave for the next 4 years. I realize that the liberal media has done a great job of brainwashing the country into believing that everything bad that has happened to the country over the last 8 years is 100% George W's fault, but if people would just do their research, they would know the truth. Today's media has gone so far left, that they are only going to publish and show things that portray anything conservative in a negative manor, and I think its so cute how they have done such a good job of blaming the economic mess we are in on the republicans.

Apparently they forgot that before Slick Willy left office, he passed legislation allowing a easing of regulation on lending rules, he did so with the best of intentions, hoping to put many first time home buyers into homes. What he didn't realize, or didn't care to realize, is that Murphy's Law is ever present. Once lending laws eased and more people became eligible to get loans for the first time, despite having less than perfect credit, CEO's of these huge mortgage companies opened the flood gates. People with no credit, no down payment, and no money were suddenly able to borrow 120% of the value of homes to purchase them, and then have a little spending money for their housewarming party? The liberal media also failed to remember that twice, in 02' and 06' the Republicans in Congress attempted to pass legislation to tighten these laws before we had a real problem ones these ARM rates started going up... Luckily the ignorant liberals in Congress felt that we were discriminating against people with less than perfect track records, and they wouldn't stand for it. They blocked any additional regulation, and the rest is history.

I told you all that to tell you this. The far left are idiots! I am all for equality, I am not as extreme as some conservatives, if gay people want to get married, let them... If you want to marry a farm animal, who am I to stand in your way, as long as you work and pay taxes who am I to tell you that its wrong. Yeah, I disagree with it, but its because of my religious views, it all goes back to separation of church and state, so if they want to get married, let them. Back to the topic though, they take equality too far, they are taking it far enough that they are putting the minorities beliefs and rights ahead of the majority. For that, I would love to punch quite a few of these morons right in the jaw.

One part of me feels that maybe if we see how horrible Jimmy Carter Jr, I mean Barack Obama, and his filibuster proof Democratic controlled Congress do they will realize just how bad these far left idiots are. The other part of me feels that if they are elected (which I unfortunately think is going to happen), they will do more damage in the next 2-4 years to ensure that we will never recover. Now that I am off my soapbox, I hope that you all will realize how important this election is, and regardless of your political views, if you allow a president of any party to have a filibuster proof congress, you are knocking on the door of insanity, the far left liberals will be allowed to carry out their tree hugging hippy agenda that will do nothing but cost you and I more money, and restrict us of our constitution given rights. Think before you vote my friends!!!

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